In October 2022 I got to meet some splendid ostriches in preparation to play an illegal ostrich farm farmer for the premiere episode of Fox’s new comedy series Animal Control. What an incredible experience to meet and learn about these magnificent creatures. This is a behind the scenes photo (no makeup and not in wardrobe) taken on the rehearsal/meet and greet with ostriches day. Because “safety first”.
Series premieres today, February 16 2023.
You can see some official photos of episode one in this article by Marisa Roffman https://www.givememyremote.com/remote/2023/02/16/animal-control-series-premiere/nggallery/image/ac101_scn15apt1_sb0082_f_webres/

behind the scenes photo of actress Amanda Burke in front of fenced area with ostiches behind the fence

shout out to hair make up artists

Fall of 2019 I got to work on two projects, back to back, with two very different looks. Shout out to the hair and makeup departments of each show who transformed me into Peasant Woman for The Magicians, episode “Garden Variety Homicide” (air date Feb 26 2020) and Stern Teacher for The Twilight Zone, episode “Among the Untrodden” (air date June 25, 2020)

fall 2019 Magicians and The Twilight Zone.png

left The Magicians, “Garden Variety Homicide”, right The Twilight Zone “Among The Untrodden”

A Series of Unfortunate Events

In 2018 I was “fortunate” to work on the incredibly beautiful set of A Series of Unfortunate Events. Season 3, the final season, dropped on Netflix January 1st, 2019. I am in the last episode “The End”, directed by Bo Welch. “Look away, look away…”

Amanda Burke and Jason Burkart in A Series of Unfortunate Events, episode “The End”

Bella Ciao! World Premiere

Bella Ciao! indie feature film directed by Carolyn Combs and written by Michael Springate, had its World Premiere at Whistler Film Festival November 30, 2018.

Amanda Burke and Michael Springate WFF. Bellla Ciao.jpg

Photo by Andres Ross. Actress Amanda Burke and writer Michael Springate at World Premiere of Bella Ciao! at Whister Film Festival 2018.

Nominated for a Leo Award 2017

Thrilled to be nominated for my work in this thriller.

Cadence received 10 nominations in total! Gala night coming up Sunday June 4th, 2017 in Vancouver, BC Canada.  www.leoawards.com


The Arrangement

Summer of 2016 I got to work with director Carol Banker on the TV show "The Arrangement" for E! Network.  My character was "Lena", woman of the theatre.  We got to be actors doing a play, within a tv show.  The last scene we shot entailed hanging out in a outdoor hot tub on a gorgeous summer night.  Fun times.  Season one, episodes 5 and 6 aired in April 2017. 

Backstage antics of the play within the TV show "The Arrangement".  Amanda Burke, Christine Evangelista, Darren Adams, Tammy Gillis

Backstage antics of the play within the TV show "The Arrangement".  Amanda Burke, Christine Evangelista, Darren Adams, Tammy Gillis