In October 2022 I got to meet some splendid ostriches in preparation to play an illegal ostrich farm farmer for the premiere episode of Fox’s new comedy series Animal Control. What an incredible experience to meet and learn about these magnificent creatures. This is a behind the scenes photo (no makeup and not in wardrobe) taken on the rehearsal/meet and greet with ostriches day. Because “safety first”.
Series premieres today, February 16 2023.
You can see some official photos of episode one in this article by Marisa Roffman https://www.givememyremote.com/remote/2023/02/16/animal-control-series-premiere/nggallery/image/ac101_scn15apt1_sb0082_f_webres/

behind the scenes photo of actress Amanda Burke in front of fenced area with ostiches behind the fence